Jun 3Liked by Geoffrey Deihl

Lincoln’s government “for the people, by the people and of the people” needs a revision to government “for the selected, by the selected and of the selected” which is a better description for todays government.

I love the picture and caption of the "Viking" in the mink stole. Very chic. Nice teeth.

Trump promises to deport all the antisemitic student peace protestors if (When?) elected. They can go out with the undocumented immigrants I guess. Will he put tickets for the Rapture on sale as well? BYOB (Bring your own Bible). Ticketmaster with make a fortune!

Biden and the left are a minority and must be stopped as well. Read the revised Lincoln qoute.

Separate church and state? Already done here in Hawaii. The honorable senator Schotz gave 32 million dollars of federal money to the Catholic Church for the homeless problem. 8 million dollars are allocated for the Big Island and will provide space for 18 homeless people sometime in the distant future. Hope Charity is the name of the organization.

Trumps trial was just his latest reality TV show "The Witch Hunt". Wasn't it PT Barnum who said "Any news is good news" ? It shows that the justice system is"working" when in reality it's actually showing how broken and unjust it really is. Donny is still walking around free and awaiting trial for the real issue of insurrection which has been conveniently put off till after he is elected and can pardon himself.

The Project 2025 agenda is believable only because of what's already happened and is happening. It's probably one of the few written plans the government has produced and will properly execute. The taxpayers funded this? That should give people pause to think. Does this written plan make it legal? Slavery was never abolished - we're all slaves now except for the entitled few. The bankruptcy clause in the bill of rights was to prevent "debtors prison" and now what do we have? A society which is in debt, living on credit, working for slave wages. Many slaves in the 1800s were paid wages and were able to purchase their freedom. Not so any longer. We're all in debtors prison.

The Zombie Apocalypse is here!

Thanks for a great article again. I'll do as much as I can and share it with others. Keep at it.


Please don't vote for Biden because he is the LESSAR EVIL. Kermit the Frog is a lesser evil. Write him in or anyone else, but not the primary candidates. At least you will sleep better.

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All well said. Yes, if anything, the trial strengthened Trump's brand among his devotees. They don't understand that he would gladly use them for fertilizer on one of his golf courses if it suited him. There are of course huge problems on the so-called left, too. The evisceration of the middle class is a large part of what got us here, and the Dems are complicit. Being in NYS, I probably could get away with voting for a third-party candidate, although in the last election it was a bit more red than usual. I'll think about it.

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My opinion is that if anyone believes that we no longer have a democracy, are being run and exploited by the wealthy and things are going to remain the same regardless of who gets in office, then why vote and if you do vote for someone who is at least honorable? Dennis Kucinich or Jill Stein only as suggestions. You probably know better people than these.

It's like global warming. People wail and gnash their teeth and then drive to Walmart have a Big Mac super size in store and fill the gas tank for the Hummer when driving home. To a great degree (pardon the pun) change is within their control. The excuse is that the neighbors are going to do it so why shouldn't I. And that attitude is the basis for consumerism which they have been trained into since birth by the corporations. A programmed addiction to consumer goods and competition with the rest of society for status. As it was put in Dr Strangelove by General Turgedson "We must not allow a mine shaft gap!"

My opinion is we're on a doomsday scenario and it isn't going to matter what we do at this point. I don't happen to believe in miracles. If you like Whoppers go for it. Take a vacation to the fabricated ALOHA state where ALOHA means sliding your credit card at the overpriced hotel and the tourist attractions while the police diligently "sweep" the streets of the human trash to keep it beautiful for the paying tourists. Even the word aloha has been perverted. Alo means spirit and ha means breath. Breath of spirit literally. Haole which is translated as foreigner actually means no breath of spirit. Ha meaning breath and ole means no. It's an entire state of Disney World now thanks to corporate America. Slavery wages in the tourist industry, overpriced coffee for the tourist, 95% imported overpriced food and $750 a night hotel rooms. Or you can take an 800 ft ocean going pig trough with 24 hour a day feeding around the island chain.

One would think that at this juncture in time that ALL the world leaders would be meeting to resolve the situation(s) on the planet. The problem with that is most of the leadership is childlike and it would only result in a bullying, finger pointing screaming match probably ending in nuclear warfare. There is very little true "leadership" in the world today.. And less intelligent people.

Have a good day and I'll share with as many people as I can. Try to stay sane.

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Jun 3Liked by Geoffrey Deihl

Speaking truth to power can indeed be dangerous, as I fear the members of Trump's jury will soon find out. Please stay safe -- we need voices like yours!

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Yes, it can be dangerous, but voices like mine are useless if they're silent. I agree, the jury exhibited great courage. The ultimate price of freedom is blood. Should Trump be elected, I may have to think long and hard about what I'm doing here. On the other hand, I've written many words in the last three years. I could be in trouble even if I shut it down. If Trump and Project 2025 come to pass, being a part of this society will be dystopian misery anyhow.

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The ruling class decided to not arrest and prosecute all of the traitors working in our government both federal and state. We can't vote our way out of fascism. But we voted ourselves into it by always voting for the lesser of 2 evils. That's still voting for evil. Clinton repealed Glass-Stegal which led to the housing market crash and he signed NAFTA which decimated blue collars cities around the country. Obama allowed Shrub Jr. Dick Cheney, and all the corrupt Wall Street bankers get away with their crimes. Billions of dollars have been spent to install Trump in January. Those people are expecting the returns on their investment. Not arresting and prosecuting the seditionists immediately allowed them to regroup, figure out what they did wrong, and they are making sure they won't make the same mistakes this time😕

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The repeal of Glass-Steagall was a profound mistake. The Dodd-Frank act also undermined, was a weaker attempt to correct that. NAFTA, lifting all boats, has been a feeding frenzy for the rich and a disaster for poor nations. You're right, voting for the lesser of the evils does little than slow the inevitable. Shit will hit the fan soon. Insurance companies are pulling out of markets, and the sheer cost of climate disasters will become unmanageable. Agriculture will be diminished, and outright failures will happen. Our leadership lives in a fantasy world of growth forever. Obama should have nationalized the banks, instead he put them in his cabinet. The seditionists are useful pawns to the oligarchy.

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Yes it certainly was and he did it because the oligarchs threw a fucking fit over having their taxes raised by 1%🙄 Note also, the Democrats had 50 years to codify Roe, didn't happen. We also still don't have universal healthcare and Biden is against it. Israel has it, with free abortive care, because of the billions of dollars we send them. Sounds like socialism🧐 The wealthy sure love it. The rest of us get cold blooded, cut throat capitalism. As for insurance, it's totally fucked in Florida and California isn't fairing any better. Yep, this hurricane season is going to be devastating so too this fire season😢 And we ain't seen nothin' yet. Water wars are coming and food wars will follow. They're militarizing the cops and building numerous cop cities. We were led by our collective noses into this nightmare.

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To be completely cynical, not codifying Roe makes an interesting election point, does it not? I am no fan of Biden, have called him out numerous times in my writing, but as pathetic as it is, he's all we've got. Capitalism has been so "successful" even our enemies have had to adopt it. DeSantis was at Guantánamo Bay, but I'm sure he's a nice guy. California is only the fifth-biggest economy on the planet, no worries. Yeah, I wrote about Cop City in Atlanta and the murder of Miguel. They're prepping for what's to come. It's since been revealed after a highly delayed autopsy report, he was hit by fifty bullets inside his tent with his hands raised.

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They're actually fund raising off if it. If that's not dystopian as fuck, I don't know what is😐 Biden is a piece of shit. I never liked him. His crime bill harmed countless POC🤬 His current immigration policy tracks Trump's. He's building that stupid wall and allowing unnecessary oil drilling in Alaska and people are praising him for being environmentally friendly🙄 Oh, he's aiding and abetting genocide. We get fascism light or fascism. We don't win😢 Yeah we made damn sure of that, didn't we😕 DeSantis has destroyed Florida and Abbott is destroying Texas. They're both guilty of human trafficking and murder. DOJ is suing Live Nation. Not to mention the 130+ seditionists still working in Congress and the 6 fascists oF SCOTUS. Ah California, a firefighter was just killed by the wildfire near San Francisco. The 5th largest economy on the planet is fucked. Iirc, State Farm has already stopped issuing fire insurance there. Yes, yes they are and they now have AI to help them😬 Israel is testing Lavender on the Palestinians🤬 Jfc💔😢 We don't stand a chance do we?

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I have lived in NY since college, heard Biden interviewed on a fine PBS station many times. When he was younger and sharper, he talked a good game, but basically he's a conservative Republican, from the time such an animal existed. Willow is fucked up, I think I know what the motivation is, I wrote about it, here. Deep dig.


I have hacked at Biden often for his environmental track record, and yes, his immigration policy and Trump's are virtually the same. DeSantis and Abbott are psychos, hate them both. Breathed Canadian wildfire smoke for weeks in Buffalo, NY last spring. The atrocity in Gaza is beyond words. From what I know, the mainstream media isn't reporting it properly, surprise, surprise. I don't watch that crap anymore. This is one of the reasons I started researching and writing, journalism is seriously compromised. I'm not optimistic, but know since I can, I must do what I can, to sleep at night. Whatever chance we have lies in fighting. People like you and I can't look away, so we MUST fight. Remember, change for good or bad is determined by just a few people. The masses sit on the sideline. We're going to take losses, but fighting matters, we may still salvage a future for some. Take heart.

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I think of him as a neoliberal. Pretty much the same thing. Yes it is🤬 It's all about money. These psychopaths don't care about our environment. Yep and it expands presidential powers🤬 Immigrants are being treated as less than human. We stole their land and now we won't let them live here. Biden's new policy is racist as fuck. They absolutely are and their crimes continue to go unpunished. I remember that. Half of Canada was burning😢 They're throwing climate scientists in jail to prevent them from warning us how bad it is. Of course they aren't, they've been told not to. Mehdi Hassan lost his job for speaking the truth on the air. It's also why they want to ban TikTok and why Israel shut down Al Jazeera and AP. I don't watch any of that garbage either. Sadly true. That's why I sought out independent reporters. The oligarchs control all of the media now. PBS and NPR are still mostly trustworthy but not like they used to be. Koch money funds PBS has for years now. I'm not okay with that. You know, I really hate that. Lol. I get so much shit from blue MAGA on Twitter whenever I criticize Biden. I'm a realist and a truth teller. Not by choice. Lol. It's just the way I'm made🤷‍♀️ That they do and they are woefully unprepared for what's coming😬 You are correct, my friend and I couldn't agree more🫂

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Beautifully and bravely said. I wish those of us beyond your golden shores could help you, but we've been rendered into sycophantic client states to the US, wholly captured by whatever clusterfuck your political class dreams up.

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I wish I could help you, too. Those of us who understand what's happening are a community, no matter the distance. The Earth belongs to every creature that lives on it, and every creature depends on another. This is the web of life that sustains all of us. The problem isn't the disappearance of species, that's a natural process. The problem is global warming and the unprecedented rate of extinction human activity has caused.

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Well written !

My only minor caveat is that open borders just helps further the worst behavior of the oligarchs.

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Thank you, Jim. An open border is a complicated political question (although it's not actually open, just leaky as always), but not on an ethical basis. You're right, the oligarchs can use this issue to further divide us and obscure the truth. Racism is always a powerful card. Border issues will only grow worse as climate change forced migration, grows. Mexico City, so close to us, is running out of water.

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Thanks Geoffrey.

We are certainly facing an unusual year.

Hopefully elements of it will be transformative in a positive way.

with best wishes,


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As I read your article, I go through a myriad of emotions and thoughts. Most of which are like patterns on quilts, even though I am not a quilter. There is a term that "quilters" use which is relevant and pertains to much of what you write about. It's called step and repeat juxtaposition: In the quilting world, it is meant to bring pleasant aesthetical contrasts which are pleasing and provide insights. Unfortunately as the step and repeat juxtapositions continue globally the contrasts are becoming more prominent, uglier and unhealthy. Remember the Venn diagram, where things that overlap once analyzed show there is more in common than perceived, until you diagram it? Similar to the step and repeat... the Venn diagram has become so fragmented that it is difficult to identify the common links and values that most people have. Politics obscure and conceal this. My hope is that climate change will rise above as the issue to be conquered using step and repeat juxtaposition/Venn diagrams that bring us together. Thank you Geoff for triggering my systems training and education to practice positivity.

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Politics drive people mad. The constant lying on the Republican side is an attempt at a coup, and we've seen the anger available to them to harness. I also believe we are entering a time of massive economic breakdown. If humans are to survive, we need to go back to a low energy way of living on the planet, think pre-industrial times. Fossil fuels are running out, and the green renewable economy is a misguided fantasy. You can't build that or maintain it without fossil fuels. If our leaders had brains, we would be transitioning to degrowth as rapidly as possible. Although our material wealth would shrink dramatically, I believe our lives could be profoundly richer and more connected if we took this path. However, half the fools that "lead" us don't believe climate change is real and that the greed fest can go on forever.

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