
Thank you, and please save your pennies! People like me could be in trouble if the next election cycle goes the wrong way, a real possibility. I touched on the hazards of protest these days in "The Real Eco Terrorists," but should devote an article to the subject. Laws are being changed in numerous states to make misdemeanors felonies and protect big oil. For some, it could mean years of jail time for trying to protect our life support system. There are serious crackdowns going on in Europe. Big oil runs the planet. It's a ruthless industry.


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Pinochet was a creation of the disciples of the school of Chicago Economics. The Chicago School trained many from South America to take their toxic beliefs back to countries in the Southern Cone, and dictator types with no knowledge of economics were all too happy to adopt those policies which enriched themselves and a handful. There are links to American corporations and the CIA. I'm sure you know all this. When that kind of power and money are behind you, you can be a "statesman" in the eyes of the equally corrupt forever.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Geoffrey Deihl

Excellent article... and so true! Thank you for daring to speak the truth when others refuse to see it. Please don't get incarcerated --- then we would have to bail you out!

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Geoffrey, when I read this, my first thought was, oh this should be published on OK Doomer. And lo and behold, there it is, published on OK Doomer! Great to see it in both places.

I went down a little rabbit hole to read about how Eratosthenes went about measuring the Earth's circumference with just a stick, learned about bematists, and came away with a renewed sense of awe of our ancient elders.

Sadly I can't say the same of our current "leaders." It's mind-boggling what's going on today. In 2023 AD.

And to anyone reading, Geoffrey isn't kidding about the crackdown on intellectuals and pacifists. I live the consequences of what happened in Europe in the two world wars and the shattering of my family every single day. I see the same patterns now and it's bone chilling. Don't look away.

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Brigitte, I am so pleased to be on OK Doomer. I became familiar with Jessica from Twitter and have been impressed with the power of her writing ever since. I believe her perspective and mine align closely. I see you have an article over there, too, excellent, looking forward to giving it a read. Actually, I've had a tab open in my browser open for weeks now with your work, now that I'm up for air I'm going to make that a priority! I am particularly interested in your take on AI, a subject I haven't had time to address well yet.

What the ancients were able to accomplish was amazing. Sadly, we seem to need to learn everything over and over again. Generational memory is fleeting. Born in 1961, I had no direct contact with WWII and my parents were just kids at the time, but there were a lot of books in my life. I was fortunate. One of the books I read was Sinclair Lewis, It Can't Happen Here. What we're seeing now with zealots and the stresses that climate change are just beginning to bring worry me. People are unaware, but laws are being changed in many states to chill our rights to demonstrate. Our leadership is deeply flawed, but the differences are stark. The next election is going to be critical to a future with some shred of democratic process left, or falling into a dark pit of authoritarianism.

Here's a shoutout for Ok Doomer and Jessica Wildfire's excellent work. https://www.okdoomer.io/

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Your baby raptor is lovingly looking at Jesus's juicy arm like any predator would.

I think you correct the only part I add is as follows.

It is stupidity. But it is also cowardice. It is that we let the psychopaths stay in control for too long.

We let the conquerors dominate as long as it wasn't us they went after. So they went after the black, Indigenous, Jewish, and Neurodivergent.

But now the conquerors have set their sites on space. They are leaving this planet behind. They are joining the aliens.

Our differences do not matter. It is the mere fact that we are human that makes us worthy of extinguishing.

Who will stop them? They have entire armies in the sky and the ground at their disposal. They are making systems that will let them leave and keep control while they are gone. AI singularity is their fear. It may be our salvation. Those that do not help them will be forced to the dark edges like cockroaches. The irony is as red as southern dirt.

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Geoffrey, good call changing the title and I just skimmed it before the soup was done so will keep comments until I've read it in depth. But the thing is, I KNOW - I am a farmer who got started, along with my grandmother, dealing with rural poverty and homelessness, which are so sadly neglected. What, we're rural and supposed to be houseless? (rhetorical question of course)? The homeless in the country today is enraging to me but still needs to be dealt with, with all the people who need help. We'll work on the long haul as we can. You're certainly reaching out to all the areas that consume us and I appreciate it. Yes, I was born and raised in Chico but since I was 30 and moved to Mpls and further out am keenly aware of the needs as well as abilities of our rural people. I'll be back to this soon, and thank you.

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Thank you, Geoffrey, for this article. Very few people tie together the essential issues of our time. Global warming doesn’t happen in a vacuum, but in our societies, and in the USA in the context of ever-growing inequality and the rise of fascism. Today, our mental collective representations are totally devoid of these real issues defining our impending future; no film ("Don’t Look Up" had to resort to an allegory), no literary fiction books with a realistic view of this new world we are making are allowed to be published. You have to go back 20/30 years to find something approaching our real-life challenges of today (The Handmaid’s Tale, 1985; Stark, 1989; Parable of the Talents, 1998): this is a cause and a symptom at the same time of our problems, how every institution and almost everyone want to ignore our scary reality. Hundredfold more academic/scientific publications are not going to change a bit of the public’s perception.

We don’t need false hope; we need courage. Some people, like you, can tie the knot. I published a fiction book, “Mona,” on Amazon (I know, terrible, but I had no other choice), a story written in our time with characters in the near future resembling very much what your topics are in your article “The Misdirection of Rage.” How can I send this book to you?

Adam Flint

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Adam, thank you. You make me feel like I am succeeding a little bit. I was inspired to start this blog to inform people about the climate crisis, but I see our dilemma primarily as a behavioral issue. The so-called green technology being rolled out may buy us some time (maybe not with a number of tipping points at hand or possibly surpassed), but even if it does, our messaging is that we can continue unsustainable consumption. We can't. Other than a few at the top of the pyramid, it's bad for us, particularly our mental health, and of course the crimes against so much of the world's population to maintain this way of living is indefensible. The constant theme through 6,000 years of civilization is our behavior, greedy with an inability to learn from the past. Our problems now of course are overconsumption and overpopulation, only made possible by fossil fuels, which have released more energy into the environment than we, and most life that evolved with us, can physically withstand. Of course, I know you understand all of this.

Certainly, this situation is a perfect incubator for the rise of authoritarianism, which would lead to a complete abandonment of any attempt to bring the climate under control, a frightening thought. Unfortunately, I can't give you a physical address in this forum to send your book. Is a PDF download available?

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Thank you for your response, Geoffrey. I think we see our real contemporary world in the same practical way, and this very much resonated with me when I read your text. These issues were at the root of the writing of my novel "Mona," which I copyrighted in January 2021.

I completely understand-and expected- that your personal physical adress may be dangerous to share (but sometimes a business address, a proxi, or PO box is available). What I mean is sending you a PDF version of the book to any electronic address you see fit.

My email: adamflintbooks@gmail.com

Adam Flint

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interesting how this article ended with Chilean politics. Also ruled by the stupidity of deniers and ignorant people who until this day call Pinochet a "statesman"

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