We lived so closely to nature for virtually all of our existence on the planet until fossil fuels took over. My gut tells me that much of our psychosis as a species is from becoming so remote from it. I'm glad you enjoyed the essay. Thanks.

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Geoff: This made my day. Thank you for sharing some of the wonderful experiences that shaped who you are. The serendipity nature of life is so impactful. Son #'s 2 & 3, have moved away from the USA, citing concerns with the country's direction and the 2024. election. One is now living in Germany and the other in Mexico. As I consider next steps- not a bad idea! Your insights are always heartfelt and appreciated. Enjoy the Labor Day weekend!

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Thanks for this text. I feel the same as you, and I truly believe that most people are not waking up to the dire situation we're in because they are so disconnected from nature.

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