I have no love for Hamas, as I pointed out the Palestinians are stuck with them and now paying a heavy price for their recklessness. I don't equate Hamas with the Palestinians at all, other than that Hamas has probably radicalized some of them, just as the Israelis have through their repression and violence. And yes, Netanyahu is likely to get a boost for a while, just as Bush did with Iraq, but if the war goes long or, worse forbid, wider, that boost may fade fast. 9/11 still ticks me off, feels like the majority still don't have a clue what happened. It will be interesting to see what Biden has to say tomorrow and what Blinken has been doing. I hope somehow this invasion gets called off, and can't imagine what it would be like to be trapped in Gaza right now, except sheer terror.

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I really like how you describe what takes a child and evolves him (her) into a “terrorist.” I was discussing this today. Think about what environment and circumstances are required to fill a human with hopeless hate. Can we please start there?!!?!!

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While there may be some occasional bad seeds, for the most part children are taught to hate. Certainly, poverty is a factor, but it goes so far beyond that for the Palestinians or any group that has been persecuted over generations. As MLK said, "Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love." Addressing the environment would go a long way.

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As you say Geoffrey, it all starts with language. Language that codifies and embodies ideas, concepts, intentions. And when we start to conflate and twist language, tearing it apart from first principles like truth, respect, integrity, and dignity, it's a swift slide into hell.

I have been speechless about what is going on, but even more so seeing the reactions of people and institutions. The virulent cancellations, censuring, and repression of those who dare speak out, are dangerous. Yes, these are long-familiar patterns and tropes. What chills still more is the potential genetic imprinting you bring up... that is a much deeper and troubling matter.

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The situation has become so much more grim since I wrote this. There are no words. The capacity for hatred in human beings seems bottomless. It's difficult for me to wrap my head around the idea people who have been victims of genocide can do this. I certainly know it's not all Israelis, but as we know it only takes a minority and organization to make this happen. Watching Christian Nationalism rise here with Trump threatening scorched earth and significant support authoritarianism in the US makes me feel ill. All of this while the climate emergency threatens to rip the world apart further. It feels like too much to deal with some days, as so many walk around in a cloud of denial and ignorance. I feel more alienated from all "society" by the day.

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I know you are seeing that suffering first hand in knowing the Native Americans being abused again at Thacker Pass, some of the poorest, most powerless people in our nation. You are right, mere words can't convey suffering and injustice fully. For those unaware, Thacker Pass, Nevada. https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/showdown-at-thacker-pass

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No words can express how I feel from all the hate and suffering ....

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Sorry, Geoffrey, you can't equate Hamas with Palestinian history. No amount of previous Palestinian grievances justify what the rogue menace of Hamas did with its raid across the border. They in no way represent the Palestinian people and they know they could never win an election there. They planned a long time for that meaningless raid, knowing full well that it would set off reprisals which would damage their own people. They are simply emulating Taliban or ISIS. Yet Israel had plenty of warning that a raid was coming, so instead of guarding the border, the IDF was up in the new settlements, far away. But note Netanyahu’s popularity was waning, what better boost for a leader than going to war? So ignore the warnings and let the shit happen as an excuse for war. People have been equating this to be Israel’s “9/11,” well, yes, it might very well be a false-flag event like that! Now Biden is going to visit America’s pet, or is it the 51st state?

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Maybe the cartels on the usa/Mexico border can get them out.

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Oct 21, 2023
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Bright people saw all of this coming decades ago. Rachel Carson wrote the book Silent Spring. Even Nixon was compelled to create the EPA. The inevitability of global warming was exposed in Exxon's own scientific studies. Resource wars were predicted and likely coming on top of old animosities like this one. The human creature is geared to react to immediate threats, not long term ones. Add abject stupidity of many of those we elect (and that of the electorate), corruption, and utter abuse of the privilege of free speech...well, here we are.

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