Very high compliments on this article.

The answer to how we should restructure society is right in our faces and always has been.

One of the biggest puzzles in my life has been trying to answer why the European races have been so vicious, dominating and theiving. I've pondered the climate/technology question but Eskimos deal with a far harsher climate but never developed technology or moved to better climates.

The Stonehenge civilization existed for 8000 or more years. Primitive technology built Stonehenge a feat that would be difficult today and prior to that Woodhenge. Not to mention the Egyptian pyramids. What is the difference in the psychological makeup that makes us so different? I doubt we'll ever know. My best guess is that it's a small group of people who are good at controlling others. Like present times.

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Thank you. I wish I had the answers. The people we call indigenous, the original denizens of the land, any land, had their violence as well. It crosses all so-called boundaries. More advanced technology definitely provided the tools of slaughter and enslavement, as Europeans crossed oceans. Why Eskimos didn't develop technology as well, may simply be a matter of timing or particular resources. Perhaps they would have given a couple of hundred more years without interference. Since every human is 99 percent identical biologically, it's clearly not a question of superiority or inferiority. Perhaps it's just a matter of luck. The effect of essential discoveries separated by just a handful of years can provide profound advantages and disadvantages. Sadly, we're still in that race with each other.

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