I made myself sit through the entire debate, and could not believe how the "moderators" handled it. Yes, Biden had a really bad night. But I expected more from CNN, whose political experts should have pushed back on the outrageous lies of a megalomaniac sociopath. Yes, Trump is a sociopath; check the definition if you are not sure.

In November, we are faced with a choice of the lesser of two evils. I hope that the majority of people recognize the difference between supporting candidates who will keep the country limping along, and those who will destroy it completely.

There are other choices, of course, which are even worse. I would urge everyone NOT to give up and decide not to vote at all. Also, voting for a third-party candidate who does not have a chance of winning would be just as bad.

We need to remember, too, that the government is a lot me than just the President. There are thousands of younger, capable people working at all levels who need our support. Many of them are future leaders who are focused on climate change, and our future may depend on keeping them rising in the ranks.

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Well said. We are faced with a choice of a rapid descent into hell, or preserving a faint pulse of hope. Your point about the government being a lot more than just the President is on target. One of the mandates of Project 2025 is to replace all people who actually know things at the granular level with sycophants that will simply do the bidding of the dear leader.

Every election is touted as the most important ever. In this case, it's actually true. I am no fan of Biden, but if he remains the candidate, he is the best shot at maintaining a modicum of stability, as the instability human beings have caused to the planet itself to become unstable. Strange thing to say about a guy supporting war crimes in Gaza, but here we are. The speed of change is increasing, and chaos is now unavoidable. We need leadership that speaks the truth and calls everyone to action. I'm not confident Biden even understands the truth, but he's the best we've got in this terrible situation.

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It's disgraceful. I lasted about 30 minutes watching the debate and had to turn it off. I hope that Biden steps aside and another nominee is put forth. At the end of the day, if Trump wins we are destined for a no holds bar match for democracy in this country.

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The Supreme Court just did its best to make sure Trump can run. If he wins, it's game over for democracy and any hope for surviving the climate crisis, which we're responding to inadequately as it is. Project 2025 will dismantle the government and turn this country into a Christian fascist state. Fearful times.

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