Thank you, Robin. My writing isn't very premeditated. I start with something on my mind (preferably fired up) and let it take me where it will. I wonder what happened to the lives of those kids I encountered. No fear.

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One of your best (and maybe most heartfelt) posts. Keep 'em coming till they come for you. Living where I do they'll probably come for me, too.

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Once again, thank you, for screaming the truth, even if it's into the wind, and stand up to the bullies for the millions who can't. And, for placing Australia's folly out front. It's high time we were slapped in the face.

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Once your eyes are open, there is no going back. Thank you, Margi. I'll just add I wasn't slapping Australians, there is high level ignorance and graft everywhere.

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Excellent article, as always !

Seeing that devastating photo of clear cutting in Tasmania reminded me of what has taken place in British Columbia. They have clear cut virtually all the beautiful old growth forests. Even after promising they would leave some sad remnants, the crooked and callous government disregarded their promise.

This is just one of countless examples of institutional behavior that has resulted in a loss of public trust.


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Yeah, well aware of the ravaging of old growth forests in Canada. After George W was re-elected, I like many Americans, considered relocating to your country. I had the misguided impression it was somehow better in your neck of the woods. Say hello to Danielle Smith for me. Thank you, Jim.

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New here. A great thoughtful post..laced with sarcasm, which I love. I am utterly disgusted with so much of mankind. Evolving or perishing, I suspect the latter.

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Hi Mary, welcome and thank you for subscribing. I share your disgust and pessimism, which I would call realism, for those of us who take a dispassionate look at what is really going on.

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I call it realism too. I’m glad I’m older (so I won’t be around too much longer), but not old enough that I’ll still witness things getting much much worse.

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Sounds like we're in the same age range. It's interesting trying to gauge how much worse and how fast. I have serious doubts about the renewables build out and wonder how soon the Arctic region will become a massive carbon and methane emitter, rather than a sink. I'm betting very soon. That's when I'm not thinking about government water trucks, massive agricultural failure, and inevitable resource wars, or small desperate countries like Pakistan having nuclear weapons. The key to happiness is reveling in all the possibilities!

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Thanks for this essay! The whole system needs a transformation. For us humans, it's a choice between evolving or perishing, while also choosing how much other life goes down with us. The tragedy on top of the tragedy is that we are capable of supporting life and natural forces, perhaps better than any other species at our best. May Gaia get the best of us <3.

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You're welcome, and I'm glad the piece resonated with you. Thank you for telling me. Evolving now is about deep examination of our behavior. We're not smart enough to have been judicious with the technology we have developed, growing at an ever accelerating, and exponential rate. Yeah, we can see how, if we were wise, we could have attained reasonable security for our species with technology if our mindset was to be caretakers of the planet. Instead, we have made everything far less secure. My heart breaks every day from our blindness to our dependence on other species, both plant and animal, spiritual and physical. Seems to me, we're missing the point and sheer good fortune of being here.

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Totally agree with that. May your writing continue to share and inspire a more reverent and interdependent awareness in humankind :)

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Fun facts are not fun. It's like dysfunctional- people say if put the fun in the family. Good News- at least for now my bank is not on the list as a leading fossil fuel funder.

Thanks you!

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The sheer stupidity of the mess we're in sometimes results in sarcasm. What can I say? Good about your bank. I hope readers who aren't as fortunate in what they find take action and spread the word. It will take many to get the attention of these financiers of death.

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